Total Medals Earned: 297 (From 154 different games.) Total Medal Score: 2,895 Points
Medals Earned: 4/25 (35/495 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Find The Flappy Bird Tomb
Find the Mystical Hand Made Pottery
Click on Little Goku when you see him
Medals Earned: 1/33 (10/455 points)
Play retroacan
The bull hit you
Dies with Galatzia
Dies with JC Chavez
Dies with Don k-chito
Dies with Malverde
Dies with neek
Dies with Don Tamalito
Play the game with Don K-Chito
Play the game with Don Tamalito
I slapped Frog
Get a life
Rebounds with Johnny
Survive the kids thrown by REX
Play the game with Neek
Survive the train thrown by charlie
Break the bubble
They are so cool
Kill the Crocodile
Complete Level 3-4
Play the game with Galatzia
Kill the Giraffe Alien
Kill the mammoth
Kill the Maistro
Play the game with JC Chavez
Play the game with Malverde
You get the yellow cartridge
You get the purple cartridge
You get the green cartridge
Get all cartridges
Kill the boss REX with all characters
Kill the boss CLOCK with all characters
Kill the boss CHARLIE with all characters
Medals Earned: 1/11 (10/385 points)
Take out your first bandit
50 bandit kills
Shoot 5 bullets mid-air
Continue your family re-union
10 ricochet kills
Get some answers
Take no damage for 60 seconds of active play
Unlock all weapons
Say goodbye to an old friend
Win a perfect showdown
Settle a score
Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/395 points)
You monster.
Please tell me you were just trying to get this medal.
What you should have done is really obvious.
Liar, get where this is going.
You found a stalker!
Good luck with your new career.
Sure, it's just a video game, but also, you killed someone.
You're going to be such a good zookeeper.
And you should be damn proud.
I hope you chose the money.
Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/455 points)
Destroy a bomb in Stage 1-2
Gain 10000 points in any stage.
Read the in-game help text.
Complete stage 1-1
Play any song in the soundtest menu
Collect the laser power-up in stage 1-4
Destroy all the bad-dudes in stage 1-3
Complete the first stage.
Gain 25000 points in any stage.
Don't get hit by a single bullet in stage 1-7.
Destroy a Smiling Bomber using one of their own bombs in the second stage.
Gain 50000 points in any stage.
Protect all the balloons in the first stage.
Complete the second stage.
Protect all the balloons in the second stage.
Gain 100,000 points in any stage.
Complete the final stage.
Protect all the balloons in the final stage
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/175 points)
Learn more about the developer.
Test a level in the editor.
Listen to the soundtrack.
Escape the facility.
Get a 7 minute or less speedrun.
Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/440 points)
Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/435 points)
GTA style...
jetpack get
you found a shortcut
you found a shortcut again...
and again, a shortcut...
you are a cool shortcut finder indeed!
10 deers killed
got 20000 pts
Medals Earned: 5/23 (80/485 points)
Help 10 Bellydancers
Help 10 Cow Bells
Help 10 Door Bells
Help 10 Anna Bells
Help 10 Graham Bell Prototypes
Help Bell Air
Help Bell Boy
avoid Bellicose characters
Save Bottom Bell Pants
Save Box Ring Bell
Save Church Bell
Save Graham Bell
Save Hotel Bell
Save Jingle Bell
Save The Real Taco Bell
Save Money
Save Wedding Bell
Save Weepin Bell
Help 10 Taco Bells
Help 10 Bell Flowers
Help 10 Camp Bell Soups
Help 10 Thinker Bells
Save Every Bell
Medals Earned: 2/33 (10/1,530 points)
Lift a Caribbean Reef Shark!
Your very first flight!
Your very first ride!
Lift a Nurse Shark!
Lift a Porbeagle Shark!
Lift a Sandbar Shark!
Lift a Bignose Shark
You got on the cover of Sharks Illustrated!
Lift a Goblin Shark!
Lift a Shortfin Mako Shark!
Lift a Silvertip Shark!
Lift a Blue Shark!
Lift a Lemon Shark!
Lift a Salmon Shark!
Lift a Sand Shark!
Lift a Bigeye Thresher Shark!
Lift a Bluntnose Sixgill Shark!
Lift a Bull Shark!
Lift a Copper Shark
Lift a Dusky Shark!
Lift a Hammerhead Shark
Lift a Pacific Sleeper Shark!
Uncover 6 Crabs in a row!
Lift a Silky Shark!
Lift a Basking Shark!
Lift a Great Hammerhead Shark
Lift a Great White Shark!
Lift a Greenland Shark!
Finish the game on brutal difficulty!
Lift a Longfin Mako Shark!
Lift a Megalodon!
Lift a Tiger Shark!
Lift a Whale Shark!